The Jones Act Explained
March 16, 2021 @ 10:18 am

The Jones Act—Also Known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920
Did you know that the Jones Act is over 100 years old? It was President Woodrow Wilson’s belief that after World War I, America needed to protect its domestic maritime industry as a matter of national security and defense. The act still stands as a federal law that says all vessels carrying goods between two U.S. ports must be American—from build and ownership to flag and crew. However, it also gives certain protections for crew members on those vessels—Jones Act protections that extend to all seamen performing work related to a vessel’s purpose in the water.Important Terms in the Jones Act—Does the Jones Act Apply to You?
Section 33 of the Jones Act is titled “Recovery for Injury to or Death of Seaman.” The act gives any seaman injured “in the course of his employment” the right to sue his or her employer in a civil personal injury suit determined by jury trial. If a seaman dies of an injury, the Jones Act allows their family to pursue compensation. In determining an offshore worker’s eligibility for compensation under the Jones Act, court decisions have focused on two crucial conditions: The injured person must qualify as a seaman, and the vessel must be in navigation.- Seaman: While the Jones Act doesn’t define the term seaman, the courts define it as an employee whose duties contribute to a vessel’s function or completion of its mission. The employee must “have a connection” to the vessel or group of vessels.The working rule basically defines a seaman as anyone who spends 30 percent or more of their working time on a vessel in navigation. Anyone from a fisherman to a maintenance worker, waiter or bartender may in fact be a seaman. Also note that people who work for a fleet with multiple vessels or rotate among vessels qualify as seamen if they meet the 30-percent rule.
- Vessel in Navigation: The Jones Act doesn’t define the term vessel either. However, it does specify that the term applies to “every description of vessel navigating on any sea or channel, lake or river,” and it includes vessels being repaired prior to putting out to sea.However, courts have discriminated between vessels that operate under their own means of propulsion versus those that are towed, pushed, moored or otherwise secured. The vessel or platform’s purpose, navigational status and operational time frame are all factors for consideration as to whether it qualifies as a vessel in navigation.
What Jones Act Seaman Protections Mean for You
Today, regardless of who is at fault, if a seaman falls ill or is injured, that seaman is automatically entitled to two kinds of compensation that resemble land-based workmen’s compensation: maintenance and cure.- Maintenance covers essential household costs like rent or mortgage payments, utilities, food, insurance and taxes, for example.
- Cure refers to medical expenses and any transportation to and from those appointments.