Personal Injury Blog 

While every personal injury case is unique, prevention is always preferable to litigation. Safer, more conscientious communities is the name of the game — and the team at Morrow, Morrow, Ryan, Bassett & Haik is here to help. In this blog, we’ll debunk common myths, share uncommon insights and generally offer information designed to protect your rights.

Consider this a primer for pending legal questions. While not a replacement for an official consultation, we will touch on topics sure to interest you. Want a topic covered? Contact us!

A supermarket aisle filled with various packaged food products on metal shelves. The shelves contain snacks, instant noodles and other grocery items. The image highlights the importance of product safety and quality, which can be relevant in cases handled by a product liability lawyer. Shoppers should be aware of potential risks that could lead to a product liability lawsuit if defective or mislabeled products cause harm.

3 Types of Product Liability Claims

As consumers, we want to trust that the products we use daily are safe. More than that, we want to…

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An overhead shot of a convenience store with rows of pharmaceutical products, some of which may be used in internet challenges that may spark questions about product liability laws.

Product Liability Laws: Internet Challenges and the Dangers Lurking Behind Them

Internet challenges seem like harmless, good-natured fun, but they’re no less hazardous than any other idle activities that young people…

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man shopping for bread at a grocery store—a prime location to encounter product liability risks.

What is Product Liabilty Law?

Product liability is a legal concept indicating that manufacturers and retailers are responsible for injuries or damage caused by their…

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The Top 4 Product Liability Cases

Product liability law is a complex area that everyone seems to have an opinion on. While it is important to keep the dialogue going and the public aware of what’s going on with the products that they use, many people are misinformed about the details of the more shocking cases that make it to the headlines. You may have heard of some of these lawsuits: now get the facts on how they played out.v

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Do You Need Product Liability Help?

When you buy a product, a minimum level of safety should be part of its guarantee. But when a product’s design, a manufacturing flaw, the lack of safety information, or a breach of express warranty injures you, you might be able to recoup the costs stemming from injury. These four types of issues can lead to defective product liability claims, requiring an experienced lawyer on your side.

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